Fred Feng

Associate Professor

Director @ Feng Group  |  Biography  |  CV

Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering

University of Michigan-Dearborn

4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn, MI 48128

Research Areas



Selected Publications

Estimating lead vehicle kinematics using camera-based sensor data for distraction detection

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Feng, Bao, Jin, Sun, Saigusa, Tahmasbi-Sarvestani, and Dsa
Int'l Journal of Automotive Engineering, 9(3), 158-164. (2018)

Effects of quantity and size of buttons of in-vehicle touch screen on drivers' eye glance behavior

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Feng, Liu, and Chen
Int'l Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 34(12), 1105-1118. (2018)

Can vehicle longitudinal jerk be used to identify aggressive drivers? An examination using naturalistic driving data

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Feng, Bao, Sayer, Flannagan, Manser, and Wunderlich
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 104, 125-136. (2017)

A computer-aided usability testing tool for in-vehicle infotainment systems

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Feng, Liu, and Chen
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 109, 313-324. (2017)



Affiliations at the University of Michigan